Still, if you’re looking to really test your Dark Souls skills and you don’t mind giving up on the Remastered edition perks, the New Game Plus Infinite mod will certainly provide the necessary challenge. The only downside is that, currently, the New Game Plus Infinite mod is only compatible with the original Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition, not the newer Dark Souls Remastered. Thereby you can use this mod to momentarily up the NG counter for your characters and do NG+6 playthrough with unmodded game.

The characters, which you create/use with this mod, are usable in the standard (unmodded) game.You can even go to NG+12 immediately, if you have an old save file at the end of playthrough. Alternatively, you can create a new character and have the “fresh start” challenge at NG+7. You can gear up a character with unmodded game and then go to NG+7 with it after installation of the mod. The mod will put any character to NG+7 when you load it.Four Kings health is tuned down so they won’t be the bottleneck.There is a way to progress through NG-cycles much faster, increasing enemies strength by 34% per playthrough.in 10 cycles you get 80% increase, not 60%, in 50 cycles you will get enemies harder by factor of 18. After NG+6 the Health, Damage and Soul drop of enemies will be increased by 6% per cycle.