Raiders aren’t too tough, but you’ll never find one of them on their own. Eventually you’ll begin running into the odd raider in a suit of power armour, which gives them much higher resistances and is something to keep an eye out for. Raiders are squishy bags of blood and water like yourself, so they don’t have any high natural resistances and the armour they wear doesn’t add that much. While raiders aren’t a faction, per se, they do form gangs (the largest and most organised being the Gunners). Raiders are humans, like you, but rude unpleasant ones that shoot on sight. Try and lob something like a frag grenade at them before they’ve realised you’re there. They emit radiation generally, and can produce an area of effect radiation attack that also heals nearby ghouls. There are a couple of types of high level ghouls that have ramped up damage and resistances, but the most annoying are the glowing ones (that’s literally what they’re called). If they do manage to hit you then you’ll get rad damage, which is really annoying apart from anything else. It’s best to hit them from range and make good use of VATS to keep tabs on them all. They get up to a fair lick of speed when they lunge at you and there’s always more than one, so be careful to not get overwhelmed. A lot of the time they’ll be lying on the floor waiting to be disturbed, so it’s easy to mistake them for dead bodies (although dropping into VATS will highlight them as potential targets). Melee attacks can interrupt a ghoul’s strike and shooting a ghoul’s leg out will often stop it from attacking you altogether. Most ghouls are unarmoured but, like super mutants, they’re resistant to radiation, so concentrate on other forms of damage. You’ll meet a bunch of ghouls out and about who’re just regular folks trying to carve out a life for themselves, but feral ghouls will try and claw your throat out.

Ghouls are radiation burnt humans who used to be normal people and, depending on who you ask, still are. We’ve done a guide on how to fight the mutated creatures in Fallout 4 too. After reading this guide to the humanoid baddies you meet you will! Simple, right? We’ve included robots in here as humanoid because they have arms and legs, and that’s close enough. The enemies you meet in Fallout 4 are varied, and each have different strengths and weaknesses you can exploit – if you know how. How to fight the two-legged enemies in Fallout 4 and the strengths and weaknesses to watch out for. The Complete Guide to Fallout 4 Humanoid Enemies – Ghouls, Raiders, Super Mutants and more